"Alvaro Barrington uses his artist statement as his bio... Below is an excerpt from the very end of his manifesto."
It was authentic at the beginning after a while it became something that was more constructed
Some of the most beautiful prose poetry are done by people who are just grieving and what they produce is just joy
Maximizing your curiosity in a conversation
My body has better ideas than my head does
Every thing beautiful in the world gets stuck in the webs we create
A movement is faith in strangers
He cant grow cause he dont know who the fuck he wants to grow into
Once you acknowledge you got a problem people don’t expect you to change
All great ideas come from intuition but all great intuition comes from processing a whole lot of earlier experiences
Modernity is not well oriented to community
I don't think choices I made to survive was the real me
The circumstances have changed but the feelings haven't
It was working with the materials and out the materials the idea of what's possible would emerge
Blackness is not a race it is an oppositional ideology to white supremacy
Black faces in high places that don't do shit
Recency bias
You not a drug addict till you can't afford it
It's my art because I owe the history, it's joys, trauma etc
Its my art cause I own the consequences of putting it out there, I can’t walk from it cause it's in my body
Prison and Death
Exporting compass, safe space, culture
Get a life
I will never fucking apologize for the art I make
Able to glimpse what's coming but unable to master what's coming he is a classic transitional figure
You spend your life trying to make sure people have an imagination of you in the future
Trauma bragging
I fought every inch of every hour to stay real
Invisible man as a framework